Australia's Immigration Minister Chris Bowen confirmed that children asylum seekers who have journeyed on their own will be sent to Malaysia for processing. This remains a part of the government's Malaysian exchange deal on asylum seekers.

Mr Bowen expressed that Australia is firm in discouraging people smugglers by transporting unaccompanied minors to Malaysia. They have not signed the United Nations Convention on Human Rights and have a history of caning asylum seekers.

In an interview on ABC Television yesterday, Bowen said, "I never want to go through, and I never want our nation to go through, what we went through in December and in the months following burying children as a result of a boat accident. It is inevitable that will occur again unless we break the people smuggler's business model."

Bowed does not want Australia to be seen by people smugglers as a welcoming place where children asylum seekers could be easily sent to.

Leak documents obtained by ABC News show that Malaysia calls for exacting conditions for the proposed refugee swapped deal which is expected to be signed in the succeeding weeks. It says that Australia shall cover all costs related - including health, welfare and education.

Meanwhile, Malaysia has eliminated all conditions pertaining to human rights standards. This puts the Australian government in doubt with no assurance that all asylum seekers sent to Malaysia will be treated humanely.

Specifically, the scheme involves Australia sending up to 800 asylum seekers to the back of the queue in Malaysia in exchange for 4000 processed refugees.