Australian Body Language expert Allan Pease sparked controversy when he humorously argued against "life after death," saying that he prefers "life after birth."

Pease made the pronouncement while appearing in a Spanish TV Talk Show. He was asked not to hold back in his answers or opinions and was asked if he believes in life after death. Allan Pease replied with, "I believe it is a silly concept for non-thinking people - I prefer life after birth."

"Life is to be lived today - every day - not postponed until after you're dead. My DNA lives on in my children."

Spain's population is comprised of 73% self-identified Catholic, which believes in life after death according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

Pease was in Spain appearing as one of the 20 World Experts to the "El Ser Creativo - Congress of Brilliant Minds" to debate the future of the Human Race. Aside from Pease, other experts in the Congress were Nobel Prize Winner (Chemistry) Mario Molino , Apple's customer strategy creator Guy Kawasaki, Corinne Maier who is best known for her book No Kids (which questions the validity of the traditional family model) and renowned Evolutionary Biologist Helen Fisher.

After his appearance in Spain, Pease will head to Russia and Moldova to receive an Honary Doctorate in Psychology from the ULIM and then to the United Kingdom to deliver Key Note speeches in his area of expertise.

Pease is an Australian author and motivational speaker. Pease became a successful life insurance salesman,and then started a career as a speaker and trainer in sales and latter in body language and communication skills. His book Body Language brought him international recognition. In 1999, he co-wrote with his wife Barbara Pease, the best-selling Why Men don't Listen and Women can't read Maps.