Brisbane's very own Alex Lepai is given a chance to become a world champion after the WBO declared him as the chosen challenger for heavyweight pinking Wladimir Klitschko. According to Australian Boxing Veteran Grantlee Kieza, the title fight will be on April 26 in Germany.

"Just spoke to Noel Thornberry - Alex Leapai deal for Klitschko approved April 26 tho contracts not signed yet," Kieza posted on his Twitter account.

After racking up 30 wins (24 knockouts) in 37 fights, Leapai will have a chance to win a championship belt against Wlad, the most dominant heavyweight champion over the past decade.

With his knockout power and 6-foot-0 stature, Leapai will certainly pose some danger to Klitschko's reign, but the Ukrainian will still enter the ring at fight night as the unanimous favorite because of his experience and high-winning percentage against sluggers like Leapai.

According to Achie Buttefly boxing blog, Leapai might have been a good choice to fight the Ukrainian behemoth, but he has no chance in pulling off an upset because he lacks the speed and boxing skills to pressure Klitschko.

"There is a lot of hype at the moment around the Alex Lepai - Wladimir Klitschko fight for the WBO World Heavyweight title. And good on Lepai - he seems a nice bloke and the classic Aussie immigrant rags to riches story, and deserves a decent payday for putting his health on the line every time he steps in the ring. But he is a million to one of beating defending champion Wladimir Klitschko, and those odds are generous."

"Klitschko is 6 feet 6,″ around 245 pounds (111 kilograms) with an 81-inch reach. Although he is only 5 kilograms heavier than Lepai, he is 6 inches in height on him and 6 inches in reach. This may not mean a lot to those unfamiliar with the noble art of boxing, but what it means is that Lepai has to punch up to get a head shot and fight inside to get at Klitschko, who can keep him out simply by jabbing all night long," Archie Butterfly posted.

No matter what happens in the fight, Leapai vs. Klitchko fight should be an intriguing bout, especially for the Aussie fans, who has been waiting for a homegrown champ to rule the heavyweight division.