Australian workers are more confident than their global counterparts about finding work, according to a new report.

According to Randstad’s global mobility index, only Chinese and Indian workers are more optimistic than Australians about finding a new job.

81% of Australian respondents said they were confident of finding a different job, while 80% said they were confident of finding a comparable job.

The Australian workforce was found to be one of the most mobile in the world, with 21% of respondents indicating they had changed jobs in the last six months.

The Workmonitor labour mobility index also found 10% of Australian workers are actively looking for a new job and only 7% are concerned they may lose their current job.

Randstad CEO Fred van der Tang said that while the relatively high level of mobility in the workforce could be a cause for concern for employers, there is an upside.

“When employees are more willing to change jobs, it means employers have a strong chance of securing the right talent to suit their organisational objectives. While high mobility generates greater opportunities for organisations to attract new talent, cashing in on these opportunities is easier for some employers than others,” he said.

“The winners in the war for talent will be the organisations that have invested in their employer brand. On a daily basis, recruiters such as Randstad witness the frustration organisations face as they compete to attract the best and brightest talent. This can be particularly difficult when mobility is high and workers are on the move.”

It's not just the workforce that is confident though. According to a report on employer expectations by Hudson, employer confidence is also high, with just under a third of employers are planning on growing staff numbers over the next quarter.