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Australia continues to be one of the world’s fastest growing markets for Fairtrade Certified products with sales tripling in just 12 months to over $120 million in 2010, Fairtrade Australia & New Zealand (Fairtrade ANZ) announced today.

Fairtrade ANZ CEO Stephen Knapp said the outstanding sales growth was matched by a significant jump in Australian consumer awareness of the Fairtrade Label – rising from 23% in September 2009 to 37% in November 2010 (Mobium Group 2010).“Across the country, more and more Aussie shoppers and businesses are making the swap to Fairtrade Certified products in the knowledge that they are helping developing country farmers and workers build a better future for their families and communities,” Knapp said.

“Fairtrade unlike any other third party certification system empowers these farmers and workers to take control over their lives, get a fairer deal and create opportunities for their communities.“This means access to fair and stable prices and money to invest in everyday things for their communities such as building classrooms and clinics, employing a nurse or building a road to get their produce to market,” he said.“Making the swap to Fairtrade became even easier for Aussies in the last year with the number of Australian businesses licensed to use the Fairtrade Label on their products rising to almost 200, plus the range of Fairtrade Certified products available from major supermarkets and retailers continues to grow.“2010 also saw chocolate replace coffee as Australia’s biggest selling Fairtrade Certified product with sales soaring by over 1500% thanks in part to the introduction in 2010 of new Fairtrade Certified blocks from Cadbury, Alter Eco and ALDI,” he said.

Knapp said the substantial growth in sales of Fairtrade Certified products reflected the increasing importance Aussie consumers placed on the ethical and sustainable sourcing of the products they consume and use every day.“Aussie shoppers recognise the real and positive difference Fairtrade makes in giving developing country farmers and workers a fair go and are voting with their shopping dollar accordingly,” Knapp said.