Golden Circle, a subsidiary of US-based Heinz Corporation, based in Brisbane, Queensland, has sacked 350 workers, causing a major blow to food production and food processing in Australia.

National Union of Workers General Secretary, Charlie Donnelly said Australian grown produce was under threat.

“It’s extremely disappointing a multi-national giant like Heinz is taking food production off-shore,” Mr Donnelly said.

“Heinz made $2.89 billion in sales last quarter and posted a 15.6 percent rise in Asia-Pacific sales and it rewards us by sacking 350 workers.

“The development of food security measures and a national food plan is pointless without a robust food processing industry,” he said.

NUW Lead Organiser Queensland, Dani Shanahan said the company announced that the beetroot line would relocate to New Zealand and 160 jobs would be lost.
“The loss of 160 beetroot workers is a stain on the reputation of Golden Circle in Queensland,” Ms Shanahan said.

According to her, the union’s members were herded into small groups, informed of the decision and told to return to work because it’s a normal working day.

“It’s not a normal day when you’re told you might be losing your job after 20 years service.

“This is a disgraceful way to treat loyal workers who have given so much to Golden Circle over many years,” she said.