A Member Loyal To The Islamic State In Iraq And The Levant (ISIL) Waves An ISIL Flag In Raqqa.
A member loyal to the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) waves an ISIL flag in Raqqa June 29, 2014. REUTERS/Stringer

A jihadist from Sydney has been named a commander of an ISIS unit. According to reports, the Australian spy agency is investigating the news that appeared in an Iraqi news website that Abu Yahya ash Shami, an Australian fighting alongside ISIS, was elevated in the extremist group as a military commander to hold the town of Jalula in northern Iraq.

According to the Iraqi news site as reported The Australian, the jihadist from Sydney has proven his loyalty to the Islamic State militants after he allegedly beheaded four people who refused to swear an oath of allegiance or "bayat."

Local reports said the Australian jihadist was fighting in Syria before he arrived in the town of Jalula. The newly appointed military commanded executed four militants from different factions who refused to pledge allegiance to their ISIS leader, Baghdadi.

However, the report remains unconfirmed due to the possibility of a case of mistaken identity. The article carried an image of Zakaryah Raad, who was last seen in an ISIS propaganda video before he died.

The Australian Security and Intelligence Office have issued warnings regarding the threats posed by foreign militants in Iraq and Syria. Reports said ASIO continues to investigate the story.

Australia is on alert since the Attorney-General George Brandis has revealed to the public that several Australians who joined ISIS in Iraq and Syria were promoted to leadership positions with their own group of fighters. According to reports, about 60 Australians were believed to be fighting with ISIS with dozens of supporters.

Recently, a jihadist from Western Sydney was detained after he was spotted by authorities at the Sydney Airport. The Australian, described only as a man between the age of 25 and 35, was reportedly bound for the war zone in the Middle East.

The jihadist was stopped by the newly-set up counter-terrorism unit at the airport. It was first revealed by the Daily Telegraph that the man had attempted to board a flight to Beirut with his family.

Another suspected terrorist with ties to ISIS was also held at Melbourne Airport a day after authorities detained a man in Sydney.