"I'm not going to be the guy that lies on media, I'm not going to be the guy that stands up here and lies to Australia," thus said Australia's Olympic heat swimmer Tommaso D'Orsogna in an apparent tell-all interview over Channel 10 'The Project' on Wednesday night.

"I can definitely confirm that there's no way that any other Australian team that was away at the Olympics would have been mucking around and doing that kind of stuff."

Bold enough to admit he was one of those who "misbehaved" a week before the Games, Mr D'Orsogna, one of five members of the currently under-fire men's 4x100m freestyle relay team, said he eventually realised that the participation he got into was uncalled for, not to mention immature.

"People kind of talk and they say 'Well listen, it's just boys being boys', and things like that, but unfortunately, I come back and I look back on that kind of thing and I sit down and think, well, maybe it would be acceptable in a schoolboys' rugby team or a schoolboys' team, but this is the Australian Olympic team," he said.

"It is a little bit disappointing that kind of behaviour did occur," Mr D'Orsogna further told the Ten Network.

Reports have circulated that during the team's pre-Games training camp in Manchester, members of the men's relay team got involved in "disappointing" behaviour, which included prank calls to female swimmers trying to sleep and knocking on bedroom doors throughout the night much to the chagrin of the other team members as well as coaches.

Mr D'Orsogna likewise said he believed an apparent favoritism does exist within the team, and that some members of the six-man relay team seemed to have already bloated egos, acting like celebrities rather than leaders and much more, Olympian athletes. It was such a shame that the bloated egos didn't win any gold in London.

"It is a little bit disappointing to see and I think it is part of the reason why the results in London weren't what we had expected with people maybe putting themselves up a little bit higher than the rest of the team."

Along with Mr D'Orsogna, the six-man relay team is composed of Eamon Sullivan, Matt Targett, James Magnussen, James Roberts and Cameron McEvoy.

This year's batch of representatives to the 2012 London Olympics lacked unity.

"There was probably a little bit of a lack of cohesion that I've seen."

"I've been on the Australian team since 2009 and I've just seen a little bit of a deterioration of that cohesion over time. It has been a little bit difficult to assess why that's happened, but it is easy enough to spot some of the symptoms that is occurring," he said.

Read more:

Olympic Team in Hot Water