Sam Hammington is an Australian and a big star in South Korea. The 37-year-old comedian “fell into” fame in the Asian nation purely by chance, and now he’s one of the most successful celebrities in the country.

He was just an exchange student studying business and marketing and Korean at the Swinburne University of Technology 13 years ago, but as it happened, he was meant to be in front of the camera in his adopted country.

In an interview with ABC’s “Australian Story,” Hammington related how his road to fame began by accident.

Hammington, who speaks fluent Korean, attended a live comedy show in Seoul when he was called to participate in a skit on stage.

“I put my hand up and it was such a novelty when a Korean-speaking foreigner got up,” he said. “And there were script writers and directors in the audience. And one of them wanted a Korean-speaking foreigner for a show.”

And that was how he got into show business.

He is now one of the biggest stars in the comedy circuit in the country, appearing in TV shows, including the reality program “Happy Together,” as well as “Real Men,” a variety show that features male celebrities experiencing military life in Korea.

“For me it’s huge,” he said of the show.”It’s just sky-rocketed me through the roof in terms of work.

“It’s mandatory in South Korea for every male to do two years’ military service. A lot of guys will go and live overseas and try ang get out of it and it’s changed people’s way of thinking.”

He continued, “If this overweight guy from Australia can go and be in the Korean army, what’s stopping anyone else from doing that? And I think that’s really appealed to a lot of people.”

Hammington isn’t exactly new to showbiz. His mum, Jan Russ, is a casting director who worked for the soap “Neighbours.” She was responsible for casting some of Australia’s biggest stars today, including Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan, who launched their careers from their “Neighbours” roles as Charlene Mitchell and Scott Robinson.

“Now he’s one of the biggest names in South Korea,” Russ said of his son finding fame on his own. “I can’t walk down the street with him anymore because people just mob him for his autograph and photo.

“His management have to drive him around in the car most of the time because he can’t go out on the street. He’s just kicking goals over there.”

Hammington married his long-time Korean girlfriend Yumi Jung in a traditional Korean wedding in October. The event was televised in the country, proving that he has reached national stardom.

“It was like being on a Baz Luhrmann movie set,” his mother described his wedding.