Australian sports minister Mark Arbib, along with other senior Aussie officials call for reform on the way FIFA runs due to the recent pay-off scandal of two football federation heads.

The leader of the Asian football federation Mohammed Bin Hamman and Jack Warner, the esteemed head of the CONCACAF federation have been suspended for allegedly paying off voters as much as $40,000 for the bidding of the 2022 World Cup.

"There is no doubt there needs to be reform of FIFA. This is something that we're hearing worldwide", says Arbib on an interview by the Sydney Morning Herald. "Football lovers are concerned about the goings-on of the past weeks and also during the bid", adds Arbib. Only getting one vote, Ausralia bid against Qatar and USA for the World Cup 2022 bidding, but lost to Qatar who garnered 14 votes. Allegations quickly rose when committee members claim Qatar willingly "bought" the single most celebrated sports gathering of football fans and athletes all over the world.

Despite the numerous reactions from different federation heads, FIFA president Sepp Blatter sets aside allegations and stated that the FIFA and the sport are not in crisis. Blatter adds there should be no need for a new vote. Blatter will run for re-election, but the withdrawal of Bin Hamman in the FIFA presidential race has left a huge question mark on what will be the outcome of the appeals.

Australian officials are furious with FIFA president's decision to "let it all slide". "There is no doubt now that there needs to be a thorough investigation of all of the claims made, by the Ethics Committee, but certainly everyone would accept, even FIFA must accept, there must be reform of the organisation.", says sport minister Arbib in the same interview.