As a flyer for the event would says, "National Sorry Day was declared in 1998, to provide an opportunity for all Australians to acknowledge the impact of the policies of forcible removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families.

It also commemorates those removed, and celebrates new understandings and ways forward for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians".

At 10am, about 40 community members comprised of different ages joined together to remember.

Barngala representative Leanne Nash, who performed the Welcome to the Country, was the first speaker for the event.

Port Lincoln Aboriginal Health Services and Bringing them Home support worker Darlene Bilney is cooperating with Stolen Generation clients and discussing with them their issues.

"I really wanted to acknowledge Sorry Day... part of it is actually with sorrow, but it's also about healing and that's the whole purpose of today," she said.

Ms Bilney doesn't think that people in the community understand what happened to the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander families in Port Lincoln before 1970.

"I think that's one of the reasons why we actually wanted to hold a sausage sizzle today... because we really wanted the community to recognise that this event in history actually happened here in Port Lincoln...

"There are quite a few number of Stolen Generation clients here", she said.

After the speeches, a free sausage sizzle was given and lunch was shared together by the attendees of the event.