Politicians, taxi-drivers and journalists are among the least trusted professionals in Australian society, according to a new survey. Australians even trust sex workers more than these professionals.

The Reader’s Digest list of Australia’s Most Trusted Professionals threw up some surprising results, in particular that sex workers were more trusted than journalists, taxi drivers, real estate agents, car salesmen, politicians and telemarketers, who were all ranked in the bottom of the list of 45 professions. The 2011 list was compiled from a survey of 1,350 Australians from “all walks of life”.

The top 5 spots were dominated by emergency workers, with paramedics being ranked as the most trustworthy profession in Australia, followed by firefighters, pilots, rescue volunteers and nurses. This is the eighth year in a row that paramedics have topped the list. Respondents said telemarketing was the most untrustworthy profession in Australia.
Interestingly, hairdressers were found to be more trustworthy than both judges and accountants.
Here’s the list in full:

1. Paramedics
2. Firefighters
3. Pilots
4. Rescue volunteers
5. Nurses
6. Pharmacists
7. Farmers
8. Medical specialists
9. GPs
10. Veterinarians
11. Armed forces
12. Police
13. Childcare workers
14. Teachers
15. Scientists
16. Dentists
17. Bus/train/tram drivers
18. Hairdressers
19. Psychologists/counsellors
20. Chefs
21. Judges
22. Accountants
23. Cleaners
24. Plumbers
25. Waiters
26. Weather forecasters
27. Mechanics
28. Builders and labourers
29. Shop assistants
30. Religious ministers
31. Charity collectors
32. Financial planners
33. Lawyers
34. Bankers
35. Council workers
36. Tow truck drivers
37. CEOs
38. Celebrities
39. Sex workers
40. Journalists
41. Taxi drivers
42. Real estate agents
43. Car salesmen
44. Politicians
45. Tele-marketers