Australia's Greens Party gets more favour than Labour Party-Nielsen polls
Support for the Australian Labour Party has declined in the latest opinion polls survey released by the Nielsen Group.
Although support for Prime Minister Gillard remains strong at 53 percent, confidence in her ruling party fell disappointingly.
The approval rating of Prime Minister Julia Gillard's Labour Party skidded 4 percentage points to 34 percent to the advantage of the Greens Party, which appreciated 2 percentage points to 14 percent, the Nielsen survey indicated.
The survey that appeared on the Sydney Morning Herald also revealed that Tony Abbot;s Liberal National coalition fell 1 percentage point to 43 percent.
According to the telephone survey of 1,400 voters on Oct. 21-23, the coalition leads Labour at 51-49 on a two-party measure, which means there has been little change for the major parties since the deadlocked election after which Gillard formed minority government.
Gillard leads as preferred prime minister by 53 percent to Abbott's 39 percent, or 3 percentage points higher than on the eve of the election on August 21.
There has been a clamor to review the various commitments done by the Labour Party in terms of its inherent policies on the environment, the superannuation tax, the mining taxes, and on migration.
Critics said key government officials are not moving in the same direction and sending mixed, confusing signals to Australians and the international community.