Australia's internet service providers are wary that the planned National Broadband Network (NBN) may push up their prices much to the dismay of customers.

The full installation of the NBN, which targets to link all of Australia's states electronically would mean an additional $20 more for the same services that users obtain these days, an analysis report of indicated quoting an analyst at Telesyte. said quoting Telsyte senior research analyst Chris Coughlan that internet prices will definitely go up when the NBN is underway.

"Back in January when the pricing was first released, I highlighted in a report that essentially costs are going to be higher for ISPs, and it's amazed me that it's taken them this long for them to say it."

Internode general manager for regulatory and corporate affairs John Lindsay told the Australian Financial Review this morning that Internode consumers might end up paying $20 more for services under the NBN.

"The cost of using the NBN... will be around $20 more than current naked ADSL plans," he said, arguing that an extra $10 would be charged under the NBN for ADSL2+ and phone line services.

The National Broadband Network has yet to issue a statement after it was contacted for comment this morning.