Westfield, the country’s biggest retailing title-holder, has launched the nation’s first online shopping mall on a 50 meter runway set up outside of Sydney’s Customs House. Overall, 100 models graced the launch with Jessica Gomes at the rudder.

Westfield’s website lets shoppers surf for brand names and products that are offered Westfield’s depots. It also gives consumers the choice to buy and pay online wherever they may be. Both foreign and local retailers can now sell tax-free clothes, cosmetics, perfumes and other fashion items through Westfield’s online shopping center.

Michelle Vanzella, Westfield's director of business development, said, "At the moment the website is catering for Australian-based retailers. But there would be every reason to expect expanding internationally would be a viable option in the future.”

According to Vanzella, over a hundred of cyber-tenants paid Westfield a sales commission to join its online mal,l with 70 per cent of them as existing tenants of Westfield shopping centers.

On the contrary, this business strategy of Westfield will ignite more debates about the overwhelming issues on internet shopping.

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