In "The Avengers: Age of Ultron, the superheroes of Marvel will come face to face with a new super-powered threat--The Twins.

The Twins are known as Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Scarlet Witch is played by Elizabeth Olsen ("Godzilla") while Quicksilver by Aaron Taylor-Johnson ("Kick-Ass 2"). Before Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch plays superhero/villain comic book siblings in "Avengers," they both starred in another movie with a different role. The stars play husband and wife who gets separated by the worse threat mankind has ever faced in "Godzilla". (photo).

In the span of a single movie, Olsen and Taylor-Johnson switch roles from a married couple to becoming siblings. How awkward is that?

Screenrant had the chance to interview the stars during the "Godzilla" press junket in New York.

"It's awesome! You know, we only did a few scenes together for "Godzilla," but we spent time together in Vancouver, and I got to know his family, and we spent time together. And to play really tight twin brother and sister, it's really lucky it's not with some guy I just met or something. I think we both like the fact that we have "Godzilla" in our repertoire," Olsen shared, when asked how it was like having to pretend that the guy she kissed in "Godzilla" is now her brother in "Avengers 2".

Meanwhile, Johnson was more guarded with his answers when it comes to discussing and revisiting performances. The actor was more than willing to have Olsen do the talking.

During another interview for Johnson's "Kick-Ass 2" movie, he revealed that he is not really a big fan of sequels, a statement which contradicts his involvement with franchise films "Godzilla" and "Avengers".

"I literally just go on the back of the filmmaker and the character, you know? I have to feel that character, believe that character, and relate to him," he added.

Johnson's phrasing could arguably indicate that he wasn't bothered at all by the sudden change of roles, and that portraying Quicksilver shouldn't be associated with his role in "Godzilla".

In another version of the Avenger comics, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are actually incestuous siblings. So either way, Olsen and Johnson are ready in case the movie calls for a "kissing" scene.

On a side note, Moviepilot shared what Olsen and Johnson have to say about their role in "Avengers: Age of Ultron".

"My favourite thing about Scarlet Witch is, she's incredibly perceptive and she can read through all people and all objects in a way and she has a totally 360 awareness and I love that about her."

"My favourite thing about Quicksilver is, because he's so quick, he's got quite a funny sense of humour."