Even though "The Avengers" grossed over $1.5 billion in 2012, making it the highest grossing film of that year and the third highest worldwide of all time, Marvel Studios is still reportedly holding back on giving their main stars a raise. Not to worry, though, because Robert Downey Jr. has got his cast mates on this.

The film studio apparently doesn't want to increase the salary of the other "Avengers" cast, even though that will secure their cooperation for the film's sequel.

They are already unhappy about Robert getting over $50m from the first film so it would be harder for other actors - Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johannson, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, and Samuel L. Jackson - to negotiate for a pay raise. It was reportedly that some of them even received just $200,000 for their effort, a pittance compared to what Robert got.

RDJ recently confirmed rumours that he was paid that much for the film, telling GQ, "Isn't that crazy. They're so pissed. I can't believe it. I'm what's known as 'a strategic cost.'"

And he's after a higher pay. He is expected to renegotiate for more before they can bring him back for "Avengers 2."

He's not just looking out for himself, however. He also wants the best for his fellow actors, who think of him as their unspoken leader.

"...the Avengers cast are becoming united behind Robert Downey Jr. who is seen as the 'leader' - like 'a big brother' in the words of one rep - for all the younger actors in the ensemble," according to Deadline Hollywood.

Not that Robert's paycheque is already secured for the sequel. No one has signed on the dotted line yet, but if there's someone who has a firmer hold on the contract, it's Robert.

"He's the only guy with real power in this situation. And balls of steel, too. He's already sent a message that he's not going to work for a place where they treat his colleagues like sh*t," a source told the Web site, while a rep added, "I have four words to Marvel - 'Fuc* you, call Robert.'"

Even though the cast, especially RDJ, has already owned their characters (at least for the fans of the "Avengers" and the individual superhero films), there's still a possibility that Marvel reboots the whole franchise and just go with new actors if the negotiations don't work out.

RDJ is currently starring in the third instalment of "Iron Man," while "Avengers 2" has a tentative release date of May 1, 2015. Joss Whedon will return as the writer and director.