"The Bachelor" Australia took the eight girls out to Broome, Western Australia in a sea-plane for another round of fun, jealousy shots, anticipation, the kiss and the rose miss. At Eco Beach, it turned out to be more than "an adventure full of sun, sand and romance."

On Wednesday night, Penny, 35- year-old editor, was the one left stranded without a rose after finally getting her chance for a one-to-one date. Probably, it was her epileptic cat that speeded her exit. When Mr Bachelor, Tim Robards picked her for a one-to-one date thanks to her determination to know him, he probably wasn't expecting her to talk about how she has to take care of her cat who suffers from epilepsy. At the fireplace under the open-night sky, Tim was expecting to find a romantic spark with her but ended-up finding "great friendship."

Alison desperately wanted a one-to-one date with Tim, again but it was Anna who got the date card. Tim said that Anna made a great impression on him at the first group date. He wanted to know how real things were between him and Anna. Anna and Tim went mud-crabbing. Anna enjoyed holding on to Tim's muscular arms and Tim looked like he had found the spark in her. Tim has been in love five or six times, while Anna has never been in love. He felt that she is ready to find someone and it could be him, as in her he finds values and qualities that he is looking for in an ideal girl. We get to see both of them kiss in the middle of the sea-water. Tim confessed that he feels he has a crush on Anna and when he is around her, there is a spell. He called his date with Anna "perfect."

Natalia has a phobia of boats and she was the one left out on the beach. The rest of the girls gleefully joined Tim who was waiting for them in a catamaran for a group date. Natalie said that control was a big issue with her and if she was out in the middle of the water, she would lose that. She having a boat phobia could turn out to be a deal-breaker as Tim said that he loves water and it could be a challenge to spend life with someone who feared being on boats.

Sarah expressed that her feelings for Tim were getting stronger and stronger and she feared that she will be left heart-broken. Tim confronted her for being a touch stand-offish.

Anna, Alison, Natalie, Sarah, Danielle, Sarah and Rochelle are the seven girls left in this reality show now.