The episode 7 of "The Bachelor Australia" saw the exit of Alana. This elimination did not come as a surprise. She recently posted a photo of herself on Instagram, which revealed that she did not end-up with Blake. Alana was with her boyfriend in the photo, which has since been deleted.

In this episode, Laurina received the single date card. The words written on the card were: "Are you falling for me?" In one of the earlier episodes, Blake had revealed about his fear of heights. This date was a difficult one for him, as it was a sky-diving date. Blake sent the date card to Laurina because he saw her as the most composed one among the girls. There were butterflies in Laurina's stomach and she was looking forward to spend some alone time with Blake.

Blake was a nervous-wreck inside the plane. Laurina acted like the perfect date, as she tried to help him overcome his fear. She held his hands to calm him down. It was raining when they both jumped out of the plane. Laurina felt that the rain was whipping her face. However, she was feeling more sorry for Blake, as she felt that he must be feeling worse than her.

After their landing, Laurina hugged Blake and she was crying and talking. Blake liked comforting her. Later, he took her to his bachelor pad, and told her that she is the first girl that he has brought to his pad. Laurina impressed him with her definition of sparking mind, which is being more open and adventurous. He told her she intrigued him [the mask of mystery worked in her favour] and he called her an incredible person. Blake gave her the red rose and the two kissed and kissed and kissed. Laurina thought that it is possible that she may fall in love with Blake.

At the house, Laurina spilled all the details about the date, unlike Jessica, Holly and some of the other girls. The rest of the girls were bemused and were unable to figure out if she was crying or laughing describing her sky-diving experience.

The group date was at a pre-school. The girls invited for this date were Cara, Amber, Jessica, Alana, Sam, Jessica, Lisa. Blake wanted to see how the girls are with children, and their level of patience and understanding. Jessica's competitive spirit came out in this episode. She snatched some time with Blake when he was with Amber -- earlier she did the same when Blake was with Alana -- helping her keep the kids engaged in different activities. Needless to say, Amber was not happy at all about that. Amber tried to get her revenge when Sam called her and Jessica for a performance during her story-telling time. Blake too participated in this performance before the kids. Amber used her magic potion to make Jessica disappear. Jessica went and hid behind a table, Blake did not like that and he used his powers to make her appear.

Lisa stood out for Blake, as she was being a kid with kids. All of the girls were sporting colours on their faces, except Alana. She thought that it is a talent to be clean when 22 kids are around. This probably did not impress Blake and she was the last woman standing at the rose ceremony.

Chantal called the cocktail party the party before the funeral. Zoe approached Blake when he was with Sam to explain why she is holding herself back. Chantal wanted to know from Amber why Zoe is in the show.

The episode was a routine affair and all the girls were their same predictable self. The date-crashers may spice-up this reality-show, otherwise, it is very much a downhill ride from here onward.