The much awaited installment of "The Bachelorette" premiered on May 19, 2014. Season 10 (2014) features Juan Pablo's "The Bachelor" alum Andi Dorfman as the lead. Andi gained huge fan following during her stint at "The Bachelor" 2014. Fans eagerly looked forward to it. But according to the latest update, this year's season is "scripted" and nothing but a hoax.

In its Episode 1, "The Bachelorette" Season 10 (2014) introduced 25 contestants competing against each other for Andi Dorfman. The episode featured their introductions, cocktail party, rose ceremony and eliminations. It also brought along an unwelcomed guest.

Emily Maynard's "The Bachelorette" season alum and former "Bachelor Pad" contestant Chris Bukowski apparently gate-crashed the first cocktail party. It was made to appear Chris is desperate to be on the show as one of Andi Dorfman's suitor. But he was met with rejection from Andi who was given the liberty to decide if she wants him on the show or not.

However, Chris, who was made to look like a "stalker" on show's premiere episode, revealed the truth behind his "surprise appearance." He told TMZ it wasn't his decision to appear like that on the show; rather, it was the "producer's idea."

"They made it seem like they didn't know I was coming, but they knew," revealed Chris Bukowski to the Web site.

The publication notes Chris did want to participate in "The Bachelorette" Season 10 (2014). But he was late in enlisting himself as one of Andi Dorfman's suitors. So, "the producers concocted the idea of showing up unannounced."

To make it look more dramatic and romantic, he was suggested to carry a bunch of roses. Furthermore, it seemed he played along to the plan allegedly devised by the show runners.

Chris Bukowski tweeted:

I should have went through the back entrance. #bachelorette

— Chris Bukowski (@chrisjbukowski) May 20, 2014

Few minutes later, he wrote:

.@AndiDorfman you looked amazing, by the way. — Chris Bukowski (@chrisjbukowski) May 20, 2014

However, this is not the last time viewers will get to Chris Bukowski on television. The bachelor will return as a contestant on a new "Bachelor" spin-off, "Bachelor in Paradise."

Meanwhile, fans know that other than Chris Bukowski, Andi Dorfman sent six more bachelors back home in the show's episode 1. "The Bachelorette" Season 10 (2014) saw Emil Schaffroth, Jason Leep, Mike Campanelli, Josh Bauer, Rudie Dane and Steven Woolworth eliminated. The show is now narrowed down to 19 participants vying for Andi Dorfman's love.

"The Bachelorette" Season 10 (2014) will return on May 26, 2014 on ABC. Are you still excited to see Andi Dorfman's quest for love ?

For more spoilers and updates on "The Bachelorette" Season 10 (2014), read below:

'The Bachelorette' Season 10 (2014) Spoilers Roundup: Everything to Know about the Premiere [Ep 1]; Juan Pablo Appears, Eliminations and First Impression Rose

'The Bachelorette' Season 10 (2014) Name of the Winner Leaked Ahead of the Premiere [MAJOR Spoilers]: Find Out Who Does Andi Dorfman Pick

'The Bachelorette' 2014: Report Reveals Andi Dorfman Ended a 'Long-Term' Relationship Before the Show, Got Boob Job Done Around 16 and More