Ballerina Karina Sarkissova has been fired after posing nude for a men's magazine. The Vienna State opera announced that Karina Sarkissova has been fired for her nude photographs published in Penthouse magazine, Hustler.

Sarkissova, a Russian ballerina, posed in the nude for the magazine back in June this year. She had also posed for Weiner, an Austrian Magazine. Sarkissova's nude pose for the Hustler magazine was published under the headline: "The ballerina Nude, the opera as we like it."

Reportedly the director of the ballet was shocked and outraged by these nude photos that appeared in both men's magazines and fired Sarkissova on August 23rd.

"The ballet corps has been shocked by these new images which appeared in the sex section...On the cover of the magazine, you could read 'The ballerina nude, the ballet as we love it," said Dominque Meyer, referring to Hustler magazine.

After her firing last August, Sarkissova took to the press telling the public that she "felt discriminated against." The ballerina may eventually file a discrimination lawsuit against the ballet company for wrongful termination.