New South Wales authorities have approved design revisions to Lend Lease's concept plan for Barangaroo South that will allow it to offer improved spaces for retail clients.

The changes were made based on public consultations that recommended increasing the floor space in the commercial area of south Barangaroo to 490,000 square meters from 430,000 square meters as well cutting down the size of a hotel slated nearby Sydney Harbor.

Lend Lease group head of development David Hutton says construction work will begin next week at the east Darling Harbor site on Sydney's foreshore adding that there has been positive interest from the commercial market for space in its major commercial towers.

"We've signed initial heads of agreement and are negotiating with six major occupants, accounting for over 50 percent of the floor space," Hutton told AAP. "This approval will now advance those discussions and we will convert into lease agreements next year."

New design considerations included adding a low-rise residential and retail block covering 19,000 square meters located west of Globe Street. Moreover, the foreshore promenade was made longer to 2.2 kilometers while also expanding the southern cove to make the waterfront more accessible.

"Over the last 12 months we have spend a great deal of time on public consultation," Hutton added. "What we believe we have now, is a very high quality architectural and urban design solution."

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