Last Saturday's Champions League match between England's finest Manchester United and Spain's world-class squad Barcelona was nonchalant rather than exciting. With the help of Lionel Messi's footwork and ball control, the Spanish team came out triumphant with a 3-1 lead over Man U and their fourth European title, proving truth to their the nickname "World's Champions".

Although sports experts and soccer fanatics predicted Manchester United's win with Michael Carrick's leadership and Park Ji-Sung's speed, the team showed a less than impressive display of skill with only a single goal at the end of the match. Even Man U's most controversial player Ryan Giggs didn't do much to stop Lionel Messi scoring two goals at the end half of the game. It looks like Coach Ferguson's plan of attack wasn't so threatening after all. Ryan Giggs recently brewed up a storm regarding his private affairs with a Big Brother contestant and gagging order, and we're not sure if the controversy heavily affected his performance. Giggs remained anonymous throughout the game, but it the unyielding screams and whistles of fans upon Gigg's held the ball was evident, Soccer America reports.

Despite reports of Barcelona's expected performance to outrun their English opponents, the Spanish team displayed a calm approach, cradling the ball to possession almost half of the time. This proved effective as Lessi made sure his strikes were not to disappoint fans, with a follow-up by David Billa to secure the UEFA title.