Thriller show "Bates Motel" tells the story of Norman and Norma Bates and those around them in a town called White Pine Bay. The story continues and tension escalates in "Bates Motel" season 2 episode 5. The upcoming segment is titled "The Escape Artist" and airs next week on Monday, March 31, 2014. Here are few spoilers from the next segment of the thriller series that is said to be a prequel to the 1960s movie "Psycho." [Warning: Spoilers Alert!]

This article contains spoilers from "Bates Motel" season 2 episode 5 "The Escape Artist." Read on only if you want to learn more about the episode.

On last week's episode titled "Check Out," viewers got a glimpse into the tormenting past of Norma Bates when the truth surfaced, revealing that Norma's brother, Caleb, is Dylan's father. The revelation leaves Dylan hurt and angry and Norma perturbed. On the other hand, Norman imagines her mother raped by Caleb and can't contain his frustration. He goes to Caleb's motel room to confront him. It is in this epic scene, viewers finally got a glimpse of the Norman Bates of Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho," as rage and madness overpowers him.

Picking up from where it left, things in "Bates Motel" season 2 episode 5 ,"The Escape Artist," will only intensify. According to Melty's spoilers report, Cody and Norman's bond intensifies. They get closer which will make Norman confide a deep dark secret to her. The secret is about his family. Cody makes him feel better, and they develop a strange bond with each other now sharing secrets.

Elsewhere, Dylan will find himself in life-threatening situation. His life is endangered, as he gets in the middle of war started by Zane Carpenter who wishes to "impose his will by force."

Meanwhile, Norma strikes a deal with a "mysterious man" who will assist her in battle against the bypass for some help in return. Scroll down to watch the video of the promo from "Bates Motel" season 2 episode 5 "The Escape Artist."

A&E's thriller series stars Emmy-nominated Vera Farmiga as Norma Bates, Freddie Highmore as Norman Bates, Max Thieriot as Dylan Massett, Olivia Cooke as Emma Decody and Nicola Pelts as Bradley Martin. Some of "Bates Motel" season 2 guest stars are Paloma Kwiatkowski as Cody Brennan, Kenny Johnson as Caleb Calhoun, Michael Vartan as George Heldens, Michael Eklund as Zane Carpenter and more. "Bates Motel" season 2 episode 5, "The Escape Artist," airs next week on Monday, March 31, 2014, at 10 pm on A&E.

(Credit: YouTube/tvmania)