In what some fans may consider as a vindication of sorts for Ben Affleck, there was a lot of excitement on social media to see the images of the new Batmobile and the new costume from the upcoming "Batman vs. Sperman" movie. Not all fans were convinced, until recently, about the casting decision of Ben Affleck for the role of Batman.

First reactions are coming in for a tweeted picture of the Batmobile and Ben Affleck in his Batman suite in the upcoming movie "Batman vs. Superman." The picture was tweeted by Zack Snyder, the director of the film.

Fans were expecting some variant of the Tumbler Batmobile seen in the "Batman" movies directed by Christopher Nolan. But the elongated Batmobile may resemble the comic book version of the vehicle more than the Tumbler. Analysts believe that this has been done to appease the comic book fans.

Ben Affleck, the star of the movie "Batman vs. Superman" is seen standing next to the Batmobile in the new suite. There has been considerable discussion on the length of the ears in the new costume. The images show a considerably smaller ear piece in the costume compared to the previous movies.

There was a lot of concern by the fans when Ben Affleck was cast in the upcoming movie "Batman vs. Superman." Many felt that he was not suitable for the role and fans felt that someone a lot more muscular may be needed to take on Superman.

Perhaps the producers took the fans' views into consideration and Ben Affleck looks considerably more muscular in the image. Some of the fans however commented how sad he looked standing next to the Batmobile. The question is fast gaining popularity on Twitter with hash tag #SadBatman.

Some of the fans who are looking forward to the "Batman vs. Superman" movie are still skeptical about Ben Affleck. They see the new costume concerns are a precursor of things to come. Some fans felt that the ears in the new suite are more "cat like." Click here to see the picture.

Apart from a few people who have raised concerns, there has been a lot of excitement for the upcoming "Batman vs. Superman" movie. The movie will premiere on 6 May, 2016 in the U.S. The plot of the movie is not yet available.

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