When Warner Bros. revealed that there would be a sequel to the "Man of Steel" movie, fans started swooning yet again over British celeb, Henry Cavill. Fans were ecstatic about the announcement, so, you can imagine how happy they were when Warner Bros. spilled the beans that "Batman" would be part of the sequel.

After the announcement of the appearance of Batman in the "Man of Steel" movie, fans instantly thought about Christian Bale. The Dark Knight actor was pleased with the number of fans that wanted him to take on the Batman role again like he did in the Dark Knight trilogy, but Bale, as he is, decided to keep the character as that. He had said that three movies on Batman was enough and he did not want to push it further.

So, with Christian Bale out of the Batman role, who was fit and manly enough-not to mention handsome enough to play the role? Contenders for the role were Ryan Gosling and a whole bunch of Hollywood's best actors.

It was announced after a few weeks that a new Batman has been chosen and it is none other than Ben Affleck. Fans screamed to petition why on earth had they chosen Ben Affleck to play the role.

After weeks of backlash, Affleck has finally talked about it on the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon:

'I'm a big boy. If I can handle an Emmy snub, I can handle anything.' Upon his casting, Warner Bros. had prepared him for the reactions fans would show and he said that they told him:

"We're thrilled... and listen we want to talk to you because people go through this process and it can be a little trying",

'They said, "We want to show you some of the reactions that past cast members have got on the internet".'

Well at least the star can joke about all the backlash he is getting. We will just have to see how he does in the movie.