Ben Affleck Playing The Role Of Controversial Husband In 'Gone Girl'/ File photo/WikiCommons/GeneBromberg
'Gone Girl' is set to release on October 9th. File photo/WikiCommons/GeneBromberg WikiCommons/GeneBromberg

Ben Affleck has an interesting insight on the movie that he's currently involved in, "Gone Girl." According to the A-list actor, the movie could be considered a dark satire or cable news.

During the New York Film Festival premiere of the 20th Century Fox release, Ben Affleck detailed how "Gone Girl" can ne a satire adaptation, Page Six reports.

"This particular satire, I guess, is about the cable media, the way it wants to find sensationalism and use that for sanctimony and it kind of creates a story if it's not there and how every American could kind of reel off the names of the last 10 killers that were famous," he shared of the movie by David Fincher.

Affleck however, was not able to list the famous 10 killers that he's pointing out. He was asked to name some of the killers, "Like Amanda, uh, Stacey? Amanda Knox . . . What's his name who killed his wife? Scott Peterson?" before continuing, "A part of our culture has kind of become addicted to that."

There is no reason to doubt Ben's analsyis since he was called perfect for the role by the director, David himself. It can be assumed that he knows the material inside out . Meanwhile, his co-star Rosamunde Pike is positively enthralled with him, People Magazine reports. The actress even said that Ben could be a stand up comedian because he got the right package: looks, accent and humor. For Pike, Ben could crystallizes everyone quickly.

Pike also shared that even though the actor has a son, it could be seen that he is surrounded by female influence all over because he also has three adorable daughters. Ben is said to very participative in women gossip as they wait in their dressing rooms in-between shoots.

Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike will star as a married couple in "Gone Girl." It is believed that this movie is the film's most anticipated film yet. The movie is adapted from author Gillian Flynn's top-selling novel about a marriage that took a turn for the worse. Even though it's adapted from the book, fans can certainly expect new twists and interpretations on the movie. The director had been careful not to have any leaks on these bits. The film is set to be shown in theaters on October 3.