It’s not Ben Affleck’s fault. The tentatively titled “Batman vs Superman” has been pushed back from its original release date of July 17, 2015 to almost a year later on May 6, 2016, but, contrary to reports, it wasn’t because Affleck allegedly broke his leg. No, his leg is just fine. His ribs, on the other hand…

Warner Bros announced on Friday that the highly anticipated “Man of Steel” sequel will not hit the silver screen until 2016.

The studio said that it has given the filmmakers extra time to “fully realise their vision, given the complex visual nature of the story.”

The film will bring back Henry Cavill as Superman and will introduce Affleck as Batman, to the disappointment of some DC Comics fans around the world.

When the news was announced, many people immediately thought it was Affleck who was the cause of delay. Rumours claimed that the 41-year-old Academy Award winner has seriously injured his leg, which forced the film to postpone its production.

But that wasn’t the case at all. initially cited a source that claimed Affleck has had a leg injury, but second and third sources said that Affleck’s leg is fine, but his ribs are not. Apparently, he got the injury during a skiing accident around Christmas time.

Affleck appeared to be fine when he was seen walking around Los Angeles a few days ago. His injury was still significant enough to keep him from work for a few weeks, though.

Nevertheless, Affleck, injured or not, wasn’t really the case for the delay.

According to, it’s a matter of financial concern.

“The reason for the delay is multifaceted. While I’m not at liberty to discuss most of those issues at this time, I can tell you that one issue is budgetary. There’s a concern regarding Wonder Woman’s home, Paradise Island (a.k.a. Themyscira). Executives are debating whether to feature the island, which would require massive VFX, or merely referencing it,” the Web site stated.

Meanwhile, the role of Lex Luthor, the film’s main villain, has yet to be secured, but Joaquin Phoenix is said to be a top contender. “Breaking Bad” star Bryan Cranston is reportedly also vying for the role, but it looks like that it’s “still in Joaquin Phoenix’s court.”

Zack Snyder will helm the film, and Gal Gadot will play Wonder Woman.