A comedic adaptation of James Thurner's 1939 short story, Ben Stiller's "The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty" is an upcoming epic fantasy drama film set to be released on December 25, 2013.

Directed and starred by Stiller himself, the film is the second adaptation of Thurber's work and was released in 1947 with Danny Kaye in the title role.

Produced by Samuel Goldwyn Jr, whose father produced the first film adaptation conceived the idea of doing the remake with Jim Carrey as the lead actor. Despite of Walt Disney Pictures' interest to purchase the remake rights, Goldwyn chose New Line Cinema who worked with Jim Carrey in his movie "The Mask" and "Dumb and Dumber".

But after years of finding the right cast, the film is finally here headed by Ben Stiller, Kristin Wiig as Cheryl ( Mitty's love interest), Adam Scott as Mitty's boss, Shirley MacLaine as Mitty's mother and Sean Penn as his pivotal role as an Arctic explorer, Sean O'Connell. "The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty's" 20 minutes of footage was released in April 2013 by Fox at Cinemacon in Las Vegas.

The film's theatrical trailer was released in July that earned a lot of nods and is set to have its world premier at the New York Film Festival on October 5, 2013 as the Centerpiece Gala presentation.

The film tells about the story of the aging Walter Mitty, a milquetoast proofreader for a magazine publishing firm who is incapable to stand up for himself. An absent-minded driver and is inept at many things, Walter Mitty finds it hard to handle mechanical tasks and he forgets thing easily.

But what makes this guy special is his exceptional imagination that takes to faraway places and have the greatest time of his life. In his fantasy world Walter is a hero, poised and self-assured that he can do anything, a true master of his own fate.

His secret is very simple, he uses his wild and vivid imagination as he goes through a day of ordinary tasks and errands. He finds an escape from these mundane reality by using his imagination which led him to have this great adventure.