Real Madrid striker Karim Benzema is once again in hot water after allegations of yet another sex scandal arose on Wednesday. Already embroiled in a case involving having sex with an under-aged prostitute, another accusation reached the press, this time a scandal involving a transsexual prostitute.

If a Belgian Web site is to be believed, Benzema paid for sex with a Belgian transsexual prostitute named Victoria Dorval, who claimed that he paid her for total of roughly £8,000 in two separate occasions.

In the Sud Info interview, Dorval mentioned that the French striker had knowledge of the operation she underwent five years ago.

“He knew about my surgery, but he told me that it did not bother him. Instead, he said it was even better, ‘I had a physical young woman,’” said Dorval, also known as “Johnny” before becoming Victoria.

“He is now embarrassed to have used paid sexual services and, more importantly, with a transsexual. Personally, I’ve never told the French press, there is even a video circulating on the net where I was interviewed and said that I do not wish to make any comment.”

In 2010, Benzema was also accused of having sex with an underage prostitute named Zahia Dehar.

The trial for the latter case was adjourned until 2014 as the French law on underage prostitution is being reviewed. If Benzama is found guilty, he will face a maximum jail sentence of three years or a fine of £40,000.

The 6-foot striker played for the French club Lyon for six years before joining Real Madrid in 2009. Benzema has 91 appearances for the French National Team from 2004 to 2013 as part of the youth squads and the men’s seniors team.