No stock character has become a more popular meme personality than the Ridiculously Photogenic Guy. This guy's original photo, which was snapped on March 31, has made the rounds across social media networks from Reddit to Twitter to Facebook. includes people in its Advice Animals category. This includes "macro series featuring animals of some kind (including humans) that are accompanied by captioned text to represent a character trait or an archetype that fits the role of a stock character."

Popular stock character examples include Bad Luck Brian (the nerdy kid who can't get a date), Scumbag Steve (the bad boy who stresses everyone out), and the Overly Attached Girlfriend. If you're on at least one social network, you must have seen all of these characters in your newsfeed.

The popularity of the Ridiculously Photogenic Guy traces back to Will King, a computer programmer who took photos of runners in a Charleston, South Carolina event. One of King's friends saw the attractive young man in one of the pictures and called him the "Ridiculously Photogenic Guy." The man is later identified as Zeddie Little, and the rest is history.

"I kinda feel honored to be part of a joke that's in good spirit because sometimes the Internet can be a little vicious or jokes can get bent the wrong way. But these are all kinda, for the most part, positive. It's funny that everybody is kinda taking like to it. It's, I guess, the most flattering way to get spread across the Internet." Little gave this comment to "Good Morning America" in April.

In its year-end report, revealed Ridiculously Photogenic Guy is the web site's most popular animal/human meme "based on site analytics and Quickmeme submissions."

Click 'Start' to see Ridiculously Photogenic Guy's memes.

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