School holidays are mostly over and now it is time to send your little darlings to school with a lunch box filled with food that lifts their energy. Make sure you include these in your kid's lunchbox, if you do not want them to be energy deprived, when they get engaged in various activities at school.


This is a staple diet for your kid. Rich in protein, vitamins, amino-acids and minerals, lentils can easily replace pasta or rice. They are also quite enriched in fiber content which controls glucose levels.


Considered as one among the wholesome food items, eggs are often overlooked as a source of energy. Rich in amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids and protein, eggs are vital for the muscle growth of your kid. It also boosts energy and immunity power.


Another rich source of plant protein, walnuts are considered "brain-food". The omega-3 fats stimulate the brain cells and also boost the energy of your child. Walnuts have numerous essential nutrients which your kid needs such as B-complex vitamins and many phyto-chemical substances that improve the overall anti-oxidant activity.

Dark Chocolate

Here is something that will spread a smile on your child's face. Energy can come in the form of chocolates as well. Dark chocolates have caffeine, a stimulant for keeping their body alert. It also improves metabolism.


This is an excellent food item which boosts instant recovery from an exhausting physical activity. Your child is often involved in such activities at school. Bananas are an outstanding source for potassium and easily digestible sugar.


Another tasty source of energy, yogurt is available in a number of flavors. Opt for low fat ones instead of packing a yogurt pack with high sugar content. Rich in power pumping protein and bone-friendly calcium, yogurt is a must food for every child.

Green Smoothies

Combine fruits of your choice with yogurt, bananas and greens to create healthy smoothies. It boosts the energy of your kid and keeps him active all through.