Nicki Minaj Accepts the Award for Best Female Hip Hop Artist During the 2014 BET Awards in Los Angeles
Nicki Minaj accepts the award for best female hip hop artist during the 2014 BET Awards in Los Angeles, California June 29, 2014. REUTERS

Nicki Minaj may have thrown some shade at fellow nominee Iggy Azalea's music ghostwriters during her acceptance speech at the BET Awards.

Nicki Minaj has never been one for diplomacy, according to Vulture. She proved this during her nearly 4-minute acceptance speech at the BET Awards, where she reportedly threw some shade at fellow nominee and hip hop artist Iggy Azalea.

The rapper took the stage at the Nokia Theater to give her acceptance speech for her award "Best Female Hip-Hop Artist," which she has won for the fifth year in a row. She beat Iggy Azalea whom, according to NYDailyNews, many considered the favourite pick.

"This is always very, very emotional for me because this is my fifth year winning this award and I don't take it for granted. I really don't," she started.

Minaj continued with her speech by thanking God for putting her in a "position to do something and represent women in a culture that is so male-driven."

"But my point is, what I want the world to know about Nicki Minaj is, that when you hear Nicki Minaj spit, Nicki Minaj wrote it," she said.

Nicki Minaj took a moment to strike a diva pose before explaining that her statement shouldn't be taken as shade towards anyone.

"No, no, no shade," she clarified.

However, many took it as a shade towards Iggy Azalea who has been widely rumoured to use ghostwriters for her music.

The Queens-born rapper continued with her speech, recalling how when she used to sit in the studio with Lil Wayne. It would literally take her sometimes 3 to 4 days to write.

Minaj credits her motivation to write her verses in the studio to Lil Wayne, whom she proclaimed to love since he convinced her "to push her pen."

Before Nicki Minaj left the stage, she ended her speech with what others presumed was a second jab at Azalea.

"I hope and pray that BET continues to honor authenticity," she concluded. "And that's all I'm gonna say about that."

Iggy Azalea, who performed her hit song "Fancy" during the BET Awards with rapper T.I., has not responded to Nicki Minaj's statement.

Source:YouTube/Incredible News