Bethenny Frankel, whose marriage with husband Jason Hoppy has hit the rocky roads, has been recently spotted displaying a boozy bad behavior with financier boyfriend, Michael Cerussi III, based on reports.

Enstarz reported Frankel got obnoxiously drunk during a night out at Sonny's Soda Shoppe at the Modrian Soho in New York City with Cerussi.

"They were all over each other," a source said to New York Post regarding Frankel's crazy behavior.

"Michael was grabbing her and groping her. He was so rude and entitled."

"He handed someone a piece of his chewing gum to throw out! He was like, 'Dude, can you throw this away?' the further source added, suggesting this behavior came after they gulped down a few vodkas.

Frankel and Hoppy have been involved in a divorce battle for the past two years.

"Divorces are like ice creams, there are a lot of different flavors. Some can be very amicable, and some can be very peaceful and easy, and some can be really brutal," she told US Weekly about her divorce battle, adding "I honestly did not have any idea how difficult in the very least it can be."

She further suggested to the magazine that people know only 10 percent of her story as she was not comfortable sharing all the details to the public.

Meanwhile, Frankel who has recently won a custody battle also revealed that she plans to spend her time with daughter inspite of going through tough times in her marriage.

"We'll definitely do Christmas cookies," she told US.

"We'll definitely do the tree decorating and the house decorating. That's the best thing about kids -- they make you young again.You don't really have a lot of free time, so you have to be organized and efficient, and quality time is the most important thing with your child," she noted about being a single parent.