Apples iPhone 5C is real after all and rumors are now confirmed that the retail giant is launching what has been dubbed as low-cost iPhone. Does this mean Apple will no longer produce iPhone 5S? Will the new iPhone 5C tag along with iPhone 6 release rumored to take place in the fall?

More questions keep on ramping up since the leaked photo made the headlines and sent techie tongues wagging. But one thing is certain. The photo of bucket full of iPhone 5C casings leaked and reported by IBTimes-AU over the weekend is real and Apple may just be about to blow your mind with the low-cost iPhone 5C device and its colourful features.

The set of “iPhone 5C” was released on by an enterprising case manufacturer through This move did not come as a surprise since manufacturers by tradition, do release plastic casings based on the rumored and reported specs of upcoming devices, such as iPhone 5C. They do this “to get a jump on manufacturing,” noted MacRumors.

But it could be risky since the cases released are created based on “unconfirmed measurements” and there could always be that slim chances for redesigning the rumored device before they finally come out of the market.

Unless of course, you do this on the date close to expected release. In this case, iPhone 5C has always been rumoured to release its new line between now and until first week in the fall. If Apple is releasing the new product until September 6, any case manufacturer has high chances of creating cases that will not need redesigning and reproduction as they will fit to the final device.

Let’s just hope the same goes for Apple’s rumored “cheaper” iPhone 5C.

A look at the cases now listed for sale (as they show up on showed three colorful cases and they are available in black, navy, and white. Closer examinations of the posted photos revealed that the posted cases have the same dimensions and measurements as earlier leaked of the low-cost Apple device. It looks close enough like iPhone 5 except for its rounded polycarbonate shell that you may enjoy in various array of colors, which comes at $24.99 (USD) or 27.58 (AUD). As noted in the by username "elago" the cases will be in stock in August 2013.

It will be recalled that No Where Else is also one of the first Web sites to release leaked colors of the upcoming iPhone 5C, the cheaper device by Apple and a range of colors from bright yellow gold, red and green and they all come out of fluorescent colors inspired in the 1980s.

Meanwhile, another report came out Monday (Jul. 29) that further strengthened confirmation of Apple’s colorful, cheap iPhone 5C. A China Labor Watch “accidentally leaked” information that indeed, the production of iPhone plastic is underway. While they were looking into the poor working conditions suffered by Chinese assemblymen on Pegatron, the watch group unknowingly gave away Apple’s new device.

Pegatron is one of Apple’s assembly partners in China and one of its workers gave a statement to China Labor Watch, describing the daily grounds at the assembly line. It began with the description of the iPhone model.

“Today’s work is to paste protective film on the iPhone's plastic back cover to prevent it from being scratched on assembly lines. This iPhone model with a plastic cover will soon be released on the market by Apple,” the statement said in the labor watch report.

Then the Chinese worker went on describing his (her) experience completing his task, with emphasis on the protection of the back case.

The worker said, “ The task is pretty easy, and I was able to work independently after a five-minute instruction from a veteran employee. It took around a minute to paste protective film on one rear cover. The new cell phone has not yet been put into mass production, so quantity is not as important. This makes our job more slow paced than in departments that have begun mass production schedules.”

With the mass production also confirmed and leaked in the reports, it is highly likely that “iPhone 5C” will be released in early September, as reports earlier claimed. Though more reports are coming out that either iPhone 5S or iPhone 6 will be in the market by September 6, ‘iPhone 5C” may again surprise everyone who is willing to pay $350 a piece.

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