No matter how much they try, Jay Z and Beyonce remain surrounded by divorce rumours. The couple is reportedly going through the toughest phase of their marriage. Various media reports suggests the couple's impending divorce and marital problems has led Beyonce and Jay Z live separate lives even on their joint tour. In addition to that, new report claims that Jay Z may have a sextape with a woman other than Beyonce. Head inside for more details.

MediaTakeOut reports that they have "got word that a sextape is being sold," which involves a woman named Carmen Bryan and a "man who appears to be Jay Z." Carmen Bryan is the mother of American rapper Nas.

The Web site claims that this news is not "rumour" but "100% facts." The Web site further claims that a "MediaTakeOut informant was given a special preview of the tape on a cellphone." The sextape dates back to around the year 2000. According to the "informant," the video "shows Carmen and the man looking like Jay Z having relations."

The rumoured sextape and Jay Z's past is said to be causing more problems between Jay Z and Beyonce, who are reportedly at the brink of divorce. Citing the claims of Aug. 4 print edition of In Touch Magazine, Celebrity Dirty Laundry reports that Beyonce is "beyond furious over a rumour" that claims "Jay Z made a sextape with a rapper named Carmen Bryan."

Even though this was years before Jay Z and Beyonce even met, various media outlets reports suggest that it maybe straining their relationship further. Moreover, the report claims that Steve Hirsch of Vivid Entertainment is "praying that this tape exists." It is reported that the man is ready to spend "$2 million for a copy" of the tape if there is any.

However, Jay Z is reportedly trying to convince his wife Beyonce that no such tape that exists. He insists that he never filmed a tape with Carmen Bryan. At the same time, several media outlets are claiming that Jay Z and Beyonce may divorce each other after their "On the Run" tour comes to an end. New York Post's Page Six reported that the "end of the tour could officially spell the end of the marriage." The report notes that Beyonce and Jay Z are not wearing their wedding rings anymore. Travelling along with them are their marriage counselors, according to some sources. Another shocking claim by the Web site suggests that birth of Blue Ivy was thought to "help to rekindle the initial fire." Beyonce and Jay Z together set their foot on "On the Run" tour on June 25, 2014 and it is scheduled to end on Sept. 13, 2014.