On the third year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death, a number of celebrities and fans shared and expressed their memories of the late "King of Pop." One music artist in particular became emotional while doing so. Singer Beyonce wrote an open letter on her official Web site to commemorate Michael Jackson.

The 30-year old "Irreplaceable" singer posted the personally written heartfelt note that she wrote that touched on Michael Jackson's musical influence on her career when she was just starting. Beyonce also recalled that her first ever producer made her listen to the song "Who's Loving You" repeatedly for hours.

"What he wanted me to learn was his soul. You could hear his soul. And he was a little kid who hadn't experienced love but he was a vessel. For whatever reason he could evoke more emotion than an adult," Beyonce wrote as she explained the message of the song. The new mother to daughter Blue Ivy with her husband Jay-Z continued to write that Michael Jackson's entertaining ability was something that could not be learned."It was so raw and pure. It was these little things that he did that were just swag. It's something that's God given," the singer gushed.

Lastly, Beyonce gave her personal message of thanks to Michael Jackson. "Michael taught me sometimes you just have to forget technique, forget what you have on. If you feel silly, you just have to go from the gut. Let it go. Michael Jackson changed me and helped me become the artist that I am. Thank you Michael," Beyonce finally wrote.

Michael Jackson's memory will definitely live on for years with all of the music artists that he has greatly influenced and Beyonce is one of them. The "King of Pop" died on June 25, 2009 after Dr. Conrad Murray, his physician, injected a fatal dose of the anesthetic drug Propofol to help him go to sleep.