BHP Billiton Illawarra Coal intends to hire workers laid off due to BlueScope Steel’s restructuring of its Australian operations.

Illawarra Coal will establish an on-line job centre to take applications from people affected by the BlueScope Steel announcement as well as other local people who are interested in joining the coal industry, the company said.

BHP President Colin Bloomfield said the company had recently employed a number of people without experience in the mining industry and will look to employ up to 50 more people in a range of roles across its Illawarra coal operations.

"The company will also take applications from anyone willing to work in its Queensland coal operations, where more than 750 job vacancies currently exist, or in our iron ore operations in Western Australia, where 600 vacancies exist," he said.

The minister for jobs and workplace relations, Sen. Chris Evans, praised the decision of BHP Billiton Illawarra Coal.

"For those BlueScope workers who decide to relocate for employment, the Gillard government's BlueScope Steel support package includes a grant of up to $6,000 for relocation and another $3,000 for those with dependent children," he said.

BHP said more information regarding these employment opportunities will be advertised in local newspapers in coming days.