Tickets for the Justin Bieber’s concert at the Sportpaleils in Antwerp Belgium has been reportedly sold out after thirty minutes it became available, said Reuters in a report.

The Canadian has again proven that Biebermania has continued to spread in many parts of the world and that his European tour for his international concert, dubbed as “My World” is a continued success.

According to Reuters, thousands of pre-tween girls have thronged outside the venue for his pre-concert conference in Antwerp, Belgium.

Some of these girls are milled outside the building, screaming, "Justin! Justin!" on top of their lungs. Reuters added, some were even ‘weeping’, an indication that ‘the continuing wave of ‘Biebermania’ in the teen sensation’s European tour.

The security personnel of the building were also seen shooing fans from the back entrance to the building. Some of the ‘enterprising’ girls were seen thrusting at reporters some ‘handfuls of love notes’ that they have written addressed to the Canadian singer.

Read IBTimes.AU Full Report:
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"It's not a problem if I don't touch him or don't kiss him," Reuters quoted a 15-year-old sobbing fan identified as Sarah Benouda, adding, "But just to see him, oh my God!"

Some of these students, like Benouda had even cut classes just to take a glimpse of their idol.

Reuters quoted Benouda as saying that she skipped classes that Wednesday and even went out of her way lying to her mother. The girl added that she had to travel three hours riding a train from her home in Ottignies to the concert venue at Sportpaleis.

Reuters observed that like in London, Benouda is not alone in trying to get the attention of their idol.

Read IBTimes.AU Full Report:
"Justin Bieber holed up as fans storm Liverpool hotel [VIDEO]"

Some of the girls at the conference venue were holding signs that said: “I only date boys named Justin Bieber!”.

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