RECAP of "The Big Bang Theory" Season 7 Episode 8 "The Itchy Brain Simulation": Penny wants to know from Leonard if he ever played the dartboard. Leonards says that he did play and broke a window. The window is located far away from the dartboard, which is on the main door. Sheldon wants ski-ball tickets as he has finally decided on the price he wants for them.

Leonard gives Sheldon the ski-ball tickets from a box and also pulls out an ugly, itchy red sweater, which was knitted by her aunt. Sheldon finds that there are less tickets and wants to see if there are more in the box. Leonard blocks Sheldon's attempt to check the box. Soon, he tells Sheldon not to flip out because he did not return a DVD that was rented on Sheldon's name, seven years ago.

Sheldon is calm and acting reasonable, which freaks out both Penny and Leonard. Leonard tells him that being reasonable means not to fixate on the DVD, not waking him up in the middle of night or nagging him while he is on the toilet. Sheldon tells him that it is no picnic for him, too to talk to him while he is on the toilet.

Sheldon reminds Leonard that he should have remembered that the unresolved issues make him uncomfortable. It is like an itch in his brain that he cannot scratch. Sheldon has a solution and asks Leonard to put on the itchy sweater and share the experience with him. Leonard agrees to do that to prove that one can have a problem and solve it, without looking like a complete lunatic. He is expected to wear the sweater till he returns the DVD. However, he is unable to return the DVD because the owner of the DVD store is dead.

Leonard thinks that it is time to take off the sweater and he tells Sheldon that I didn't use it to antagonise everyone around me. However, Howard suggests that he seeks out the next of the kin, which Sheldon things is a pretty good idea. Leonard has to keep wearing the itchy sweater, which has put itchy rashes all across his upper body.

Also, the sweater has made Leonard an itchy mess. Howard describes him as a person who is impersonating a lunatic bear, showing that only he can prevent a forest fire. Sheldon is says that Leonard is a walking a mile in his metaphorical shoes. At Penny's apartment, Penny wants him to take off the sweater since Sheldon is not there to watch, but Leonard refuses to do that as he does not want Sheldon to win.

Leonard is unable to find anyone related to the dead DVD owner, and his patience has given-up. He almost screams when Sheldon suggests that he look for his relatives in countries such a Lebanon. Sheldon finally tells him not to flip out at the revelation that seven years ago, he found out the DVD is late and paid for it. Amy calls Sheldon's revelation diabolical, while he tells her that he kept the DVD thinking that this might be a teachable moment and it was a long wait for him.

At Cheesecake Factory, Amy and Bernadette spot Lucy and tell Penny that she is one who broke Raj's heart. Penny goes and asks Lucy when she broke-up with Raj via email and also tells her that Raj is a mess all thanks to her. Lucy says that she broke-up with Raj because she thought it was easy and wants another waitress. "I may be a bad waitress but you are a bad person," Penny tells Lucy.

Lucy sends a message to Raj to meet her at a coffee shop. Raj wants to know if they can meet again, but Lucy says that she is seeing someone else. Penny fixes Raj with a girl and Raj thinks it is not possible that the girl is ready to date him, and tells the girl that he can just be a side-dish. Girl screams at Penny for fixing her with Raj and Penny screams at Raj.