It is a rainy, stormy night at the North Sea and Sheldon (Jim Parsons) calls-up Leonard (Jonny Galecki). Leonard tells Sheldon that it is not the right time to call. "Hell to you, too," Sheldon says to him. Hello to the new season of "The Big Bang Theory" and the first episode of the seventh season, "The Hofstadter Insuffiency."

Sheldon has called Leonard to complain about something important: "Back to the Future 2 was in the Back to the Future 3 case" and vice versa. Sheldon asks Leonard if he did that or if there is an intruder in the house who did that. Leonard gets knocked-down on the dock and tells Sheldon that he is going inside, while Sheldon thinks Leonard is dodging the question. A dragon pops-out of the sea and pulls Leonard back into the sea and Sheldon gets-up with a scream. The conversation was Sheldon's dream and he bolts out of the bed and lands right in front of Penny's (Kelly Cuoco) door.

"Penny (knock-knock) ... Penny (knock-knock) ... Penny (knock-knock)," Sheldon knocks at her door in his signature style.

"I was worried that you might be missing Leonard, Sheldon tells Penny when she opens the door with a big question mark look. "And that may be causing you to have bad dreams." Penny figures out that Sheldon had a bad dream. "Sweetie, did you have a bad dream."

Sheldon confesses that he did have a bad dream and talk about "Back to Future 2" being in "Back to Future 3" case and Leonard doing that. He tells Penny, "Perhaps I should sleep here, so you don't miss Leonard this much. Cause you've been kind of baby about it."

Penny says that it would make her feel better and Sheldon walks rights into her bedroom and closes it, saying "goodnight."

Raj (Kunal Nayyar) is missing his ex-girlfriend Lucy (Kate Micucci) and keeps talking about her, and that he sees her face everywhere and in everything. Sheldon tells him to get his mind back on the stars. Since Amy (Mayim Bialik) and Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) are at a neuroscience conference, Howard (Simon Helberg) offers to go with Raj to an event. Howard wants Raj to be happy, and Sheldon says that he also wants the same but not enough to do anything about it.

Amy and Bernadette get calls from Sheldon and Howard, respectively. While Bernadette is having a romantic conversation, Amy is talking about bed-bugs and assuring Sheldon that she won't be bringing them (bed bugs) back.

At Penny's place, Sheldon is arranging a 3D Chess set and Penny tells him that, "You always play with Leonard and you miss him." Sheldon replies: "You over-estimate his significance in my life" and goes on to talk about the things Leonard did for him.

Penny agrees to play the game with Sheldon, but is eager to lose it as then the game will be over, while Sheldon wants to continue playing as he thinks it is too much fun. Penny is missing Leonard and wonders what he must be doing. Sheldon suggests that they should call him, but soon corrects himself and says that he is "an Island."

Penny calls Leonard and keeps the speaker-phone on so Sheldon could also hear the conversation. Leonard is having a great time at the North-Sea. It is not at all a stormy night but he could be seen happily dancing with a group of girls when Penny calls him-up. Leonard tells Penny that he is having the best time of his life.

"I can't believe we were missing that jerk," Penny says. Sheldon: "You were."

Sheldon tries to comfort Penny in his Sheldon way. He asks Penny if she is worried that Leonard is having "drunken coitus with another woman" and reveals to her that Leonard asked him to take care of her. Penny puts forward the idea of sharing personal details that they don't know about each other. Sheldon talks about his nine pairs of pants and nine pairs of under-pants, and says that Penny must be having a thousand under-pants.

Penny shares that she did a top-less scene in a low budget horror movie about a killer gorilla, and that she was ashamed about that. But, all was good as nothing ever came out. To her horror, Sheldon tells her that he has seen that movie as Howard found it out when they first met.

Sheldon tells her about something that he would take to the grave. "A while back, you tube changed its user-interface from a star-base rating system to a thumbs-up rating system. I tell people I'm okay with it. But, I'm really not."

Penny is disappointed to hear his big revelation. Sheldon tells her that "you just hurt my feelings" by treating the revelation as if it was nothing. Penny does not see why he must be hurt as it is no big deal. Sheldon tells her that it is a big deal to him and that is the point and Penny sees the point and hugs him.

Amy and Bernadette have their on and off moments, together. At the hotel's restaurant, two men send drinks to them and they are giddy about that as guys are hitting on them and not just Penny. Amy tells Bernadette she can have some fun with one of the men and no one would blame her. Amy is offended by that and asks whether she means that she "could do better than Sheldon.

"You're not married and your boy-friend is kind of Sheldon," Bernadette says.

"And, your husband is extremely Howard," Amy replies. "What is your point?"

Later in the room, they share that it was flattering to see strangers send them some drinks and talk about the one they would pick out of the two men. They discover that Amy wants someone like the sex-crazy Howard, while Bernadette is picking the brainy-Sheldon kind. They switch-off the light and sleep-off.

Raj is not making much head-way with the girls at the event despite his new-found ability to talk to them without the assistance of alcohol. Ms Davis (Regina King) from human resource is at the event, too. Howard tells Raj that Ms Davis' husband left her for someone hotter and young. Raj tells Ms Davis about the infidelity among penguins and that they also get cheated on, but they are still adorable. Howard shakes his head and says, "It was better when you were not able to talk woman."

Later, Raj approaches Ms Davis again and talks about his broken-heart and Lucy; and after a lengthy conversation, he tells her that it was good to connect with her at a human level. Ms Davis asks him, "Are you hitting on me."

Back at the North Sea, Leonard is produdly showing the top-less scene of Penny to his ship-mates: "that is my girl-friend, I swear to god."