Penny joins her gang for dinner and is late because of an audition. She takes the floor spot, as Raj is in her chair. This leads to talk about having a dining room table and putting the table beside the big window. Everyone agrees, except Sheldon.

Later, Leonard finds that Sheldon has put a table near the big window and is using it as a work space. Penny takes Leonard away to pick the dining table. She wants Leonard to stand-up against Sheldon. When Leonard does that, Sheldon blames Penny for triggering an argument between him and Leonard. He accuses Penny of changing Leonard.

Penny tells Sheldon that Amy has changed him, as well. Sheldon sees truth in that. He decides to break-up with Amy because she has altered his personality, making him more affectionate and open. Penny calls-up Amy and give her a heads-up about what Sheldon intends to do. Amy is fully prepared with her manipulation tactics when Sheldon arrives. She is ready to end their relationship agreement. Amy soon talks Sheldon out of the break-up. She tells him that she will stand beside him and against Leonard's decision of getting a table.

Meanwhile, Howard gets a call from NASA. He says yes to their offer of going back to the space. However, Bernadette is not happy about it. She wonders how Howard agreed to go back after his bad experience during his first visit. Bernadette seeks Raj's help.

Raj arranges a video conference with one of Howard's space-mate. He reminds Howard what all happened during his first trip to space. Howard is no longer eager to go back and during his medical check, he calls-up his mother. The screaming of his mother on the phone makes his blood-pressure shoot-up. This stops him from going back to space.

Except Sheldon and Amy, rest of the mates are having dinner at the table. Bernadette does not like seeing them eating alone. Soon, everyone joins Amy and Sheldon at their usual spots on the couch and around the couch.