"The Big Bang Theory" is all set to return this fall for its seventh season on CBS. The sixth season of "The Big Bang Theory" ended on a loquacious Raj (Kunal Nayyar) in front of bored to death Penny (Kaley Cuoco), Amy (Mayim Bialik) and Bernadette (Melissa Rauch). In a miracle, which has nothing to do with science, Raj got his ability to talk to women, without needing the help of alcohol.

He can talk to a woman without gulping down a glass of alcohol but that does not mean, it will be easy for him to get a woman. Equipped with the new found ability, he will be out to find a woman in the premiere episode of "The Big Bang Theory" Season 7. We believe it will be a complete disaster. Steve Molaro, executive producer and writer, said to The Hollywood Reporter, "He can speak to women without the aid of alcohol, but that does not mean he's any good at it. We hit it in the first episode back, and he's out looking to try to meet a new woman." He might become "The Big Bang Theory" Season 1 version of Leonard.

Leonard (Johnny Galecki) is at North Sea and the CBS sitcom is expected to pick-up four months after the season 6 finale. Will the distance make Leonard and Penny re-think about their relationship? It is highly unlikely as the two after six-seasons of on and off relationship may have a smooth relationship ride in season 7 of "The Big Bang Theory." According to the scoop of Leanne Aguilera of Hollywood, It will be a more comfortable relationship between the two. Galecki said to her in an interview, "It's not so hyper-sensitive as it's been in previous seasons ... so it's not the same anxiety of 'Oh my God, how might she react to this?!' We kind of tease each other and give each other a hard time as most people do when they've known each other for half a decade."

For the shippers of Sheldon-Penny, this may come as sad news. However in the absence of Leonard, Sheldon (Jim Parsons) and Penny are going to come closer. We may get to see more of Penny, Penny ... Penny knocks from Sheldon and the two spending more time together.