"The Big Bang Theory" Season 7 Episode 10 RECAP: "The Discovery Dissipation": Sheldon, the man accidently responsible for the discovery of the first super-heavy, stable element, is being interviewed by Ira Flatow for his radio show Science Friday. Sheldon isn't too happy being interviewed, as he finds it comical in nature but gives in as it was requested by Caltech to give the interview. He storms out of the interview and tells Flatow that because of bullies like him, more and more Americans are making the switch to television.

Sheldon complains to Leonard, Penny and Amy about the interview and the sudden fame that has been bestowed upon him. He feels like a trained monkey dancing for coins. Leonard thinks he cannot be that monkey, as they are loved by everyone. Amy tells him that he has to do these interviews because that means more funding for the university. Penny asks him to be happy about being famous. The idea of a tall, thin famous Sheldon makes Penny jealous.

Sheldon is in his room, sulking and has named his toy train embarrassment express. Amy comes in the room with Wil Wheaton. Wheaton is there to help Sheldon and provide tips on how to deal with his sudden fame. He tells Sheldon about that time when he had to live under the shadow of Wesley Crusher of Star Trek. Thanks to Wheaton, Sheldon finally sees light and is enthusiastic. He asks Amy and Wheaton to leave the room right after wanting to equally participate in his train game.

Leonard soon robs Sheldon off his biggest achievement. He tells Sheldon that he has disproved his theory, and that he can now be free from the burden of fame. But, Sheldon isn't happy to hear that, and doesn't want the attention taken away from him. He takes Leonard out of his friends' list. Sheldon encourages Leonard to publish his theory as it his responsibility as a scientist, however isn't too happy to hear that Leonard will do that.

Leonard posts his disproval theory, while Sheldon retracts his paper. Barry Kripke makes fun of that. In a bid to get back at him, Sheldon mentions about his lisp, which makes Kripke sad. Soon, Sheldon retracts, which brings in more chuckle at the expense of Sheldon.

It is back to Science Friday. Flatow had invited only Leonard for the interview, but Sheldon joins him, too. And, Sheldon does not let Leonard answer any of the questions. Amy and Penny listen to the radio show with 'no surprises there' look and need some drinks to keep listening.

Raj comes over to stay at Howard and Bernadette's place for a week along with his dog. Raj starts being a better partner for Bernadette than her husband, Howard. However, he is soon kicked out when they both see him as a reason of conflict between the two. He goes to Apartment 4 to stay. However, Amy also tells him to get out after he tries giving relationship advice to both Amy and Sheldon.