“Big Brother Australia” housemates have turned pop stars in one night! Big Brother has given the housemates a new weekly challenge called Battle of the Bands, in which the girls and the boys hit the notes with their music videos.

The task sounded simple enough: the housemates were divided into girls and boys group, and each group would make a music video. They would need to hit a cumulative of 50,000 views to win. The group with the most number of “likes” on all BB social media platforms will perform live on the next Eviction show.

Everything was already provided, including their band names Hot Pantz (Jade, Mikkayla, Tahan, Katie & Lucy, Heidi, and Tully) and ManDate (Ben, Tim, Drew, Ed, and Matthew), all they need to do was provide the vocals and shoot their music videos.

The girls were given an upbeat tune with “Shake It Around,” while the boys were given a boyband-esque track called “We Are Watching You Tonight.” And boy did Big Brother discover who’s got talent in the group!

Mikkayla surprised Big Brother when she belted out her piece well, while Drew proved that he can also charm with his singing voice. Ben wasn’t bad at all as well.

Watch their music videos below:

ManDate “We Are Watching You Tonight”

Hot Pantz “Shake It Around”

The housemates looked like they really enjoyed recording and shooting their music videos, but not everyone is happy about the new sleeping arrangement. Big Brother told them that the girls would all sleep in the original Safe house bedroom, while the boys would stay in the former Halfway house room. It’s just for two days while they were recording their music, but Tully had let everyone know that she wasn’t happy being away from Drew even for that short time.

The 25-year-old social media strategist hated sleeping in a different bed as her “house husband,” but Drew didn’t seem to mind at first. He even suggested with the boys that they shouldn’t entertain girls in their bedroom at all times.

But as it turned out, Drew couldn’t stay away from Tully as well. He sneaked out of their room in the middle of the night to snuggle with Tully in bed before returning to his shared bed with Tim.

Meanwhile, Tully’s now ex-girlfriend Tahlia is showing remarkable strength and maturity while Tully flirts with Drew on national television. As it was reported, Tahlia had dumped Tully after watching the Monday episode of the show, in which Drully (Drew and Tully) were seen professing their love with each other in bed and then promptly made smooching sounds under the doona.

But aside from a very public tweet about being single, Tahlia has defended Tully from other people, saying that her ex-girlfriend don’t deserve such hate.

It’s not clear whether she was talking about the Big Brother house, but one can only assume that she was when she wrote this tweet:

You couldn't pay me any amount of money to go anywhere near that house. #nowayintruder #rathereatdirt

— TAHLIA. (@beginnersblood) September 4, 2013


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