“Big Brother Australia” delivered another twist on Monday night. Heads of House Dion and Jason split up two pairs together, leaving new partners Travis & Cat and Sam & Ryan.

Big Brother will be holding a game that will determine which pair is the strongest. The strongest pair will receive $30,000 from the prize money. Dion and Jason had the Power Play task of swapping members of two pairs. Their decision could affect the outcome of the game or even the nomination result.

With the help from the Australian public, Dion and Jason learnt that Travis and Ryan were the strongest pair in the house. They used this information to swap Travis and Ryan with Cat and Sam. The new pairs are now Sam & Ryan and Cat & Travis.

Skye and Jake

After the party, awkwardness ensued between previous night’s pashing partners Skye and Jake. The two seemed to have regretted their lip lock, with Skye saying he wasn’t the best kisser. After a few awkward encounters, though, the two were back to be pals, and Skye continues her crush on him.

Priya and Katie

The former Heads of House have been punished after Katie destroyed BB’s pillow. They were banished to the fish bowl, where they were told to separate coloured confetti using only tweezers. It sounded fun at first, but the task took them hours to finish. They had a chance to talk about the other pairs, though. They are immune from being nominated, but will still have to choose a pair to nominate for eviction.

David and Lisa

David wasn’t repentant over making Lisa cry. He made a comment about the 29-year-old executive assistant’s breasts while preparing for the party with the boys, saying they were a bit too low. Unknown to him, his comment was overheard from the other room where the girls were prepping as well.

Upon learning that Lisa was crying because of him, he said that he didn’t know what he had said to make her feel that way so he would wait for her to come to him. Come the next morning, David still didn’t feel like talking to her about it.

“I was in a conversation with boys, just boys being boys,” he reasoned out to Cat, who agreed that the girls were eavesdropping.

David and Lisa got a chance to talk later on, though. He said he was sorry that she was upset, but refused to apologise for saying things that were meant only for the boys.


The 6’6” Perth nurse isn’t winning friends in the Big Brother house.

“I don’t realise what I’m saying is coming across badly,” Gemma said of her weakness during dinner conversation with the other housemates.

She may be right on that account as some housemates have been finding her unrestrained words hurtful. Priya confided to Skye that there are housemates, including Travis, who find Gemma annoying.

New Housemates and Elimination Twist

Not content with 16 housemates in one roof, Big Brother will be adding two more on Tuesday. Viewers will be voting starting Wednesday which pair would they like to save from elimination. However, contrary to what the housemates have been told, only one member of the eliminated pair will be evicted. The remaining housemates will decide which member of that pair they want out of the house, and they will do it while facing them.


‘Big Brother Australia’ Recap: New Heads of House, Couples and Strategic Alliances