“Big Brother Australia” has named its final three. The Channel 9 reality show evicted two housemates from the famous house on Monday night, making way for the last three surviving housemates to battle it out for the final battle on Wednesday. So who were the two who almost went far but not quite?

Boog, the former intruder who has survived two evictions in the past few weeks she’s in the house, was the first casualty of the night.

It was the most expected eviction of the night. She survived her last eviction against Mikkayla perhaps thanks to Tahan’s fans, who wanted Mikkayla out of the house. But with every housemate for themselves this time, she had no additional support other than from the fans that she has accumulated in the short time on air.

Also, intruders have never won the grand prize in the show’s history so for Boog to make it this far is already an impressive feat.

With Boog the first one out, the remaining original housemates’ odds of survival drastically decreased.

After Tahan and Tim were announced as safe by host Sonia Kruger, it was down to faux ex-husband and wife Drew and Jade, formerly known as Drade, Unfortunately for Drew, he was the second hit.

Not to worry for the university student, though, his “house wife” Tully was waiting for him in the studio.

“Go kiss Tully for real!” Tim told his best bud in the house.

Drew has had a good run in the show. He quickly became one of the favourites early on, but his popularity suffered a bit when he became half of Drully (Drew and Tully). He formed a more-than-friends relationship with Tully, who then had a girlfriend, Tahlia, outside the house.

Drully got so much flak on social media, with most audience blaming Tully for their forbidden love affair. But Drew wasn’t completely innocent as well. He knew about Tahlia, and yet it didn’t stop him from kissing his fellow housemate.

And just when viewers were starting to forgive, if not forget, Drully, Big Brother decided to remind them of the controversy that gave them massive ratings when they temporarily brought back Tully in the house to tell Drew she was single.

Tully was again attacked with negative comments on social media after that display, but as long as it brought the show ratings, then perhaps it didn’t matter to Big Brother at all.

So it’s not surprising that BB invited Tully in the audience again and on stage to welcome Drew with kisses.

While Sonia and the studio audience appeared to be cheering on the couple, people’s reactions on the reunited couple were split. Some of them conceded that the duo would make a “cute couple,” while others condemned BB for celebrating infidelity on a family show.

Tahlia’s Twitter comment was simple:


— TAHLIA. (@beginnersblood) November 4, 2013

Also during the show, host Mike Goldman got Tahan’s boyfriend’s back when he asked David Reynolds about the conspiracy theory that have been plaguing the show since their blatant support for the Darwin beauty was exposed.

Mike asked the race car driver what he thought about fans thinking that he is giving Tahan an unfair advantage when he wears her name on his helmet. And like a rehearsed speech, David went on to downplay the serious concerns of non-Tahan fans, claiming that he’s just there to support his girlfriend.

Read more of it here.

Like his previous interview about the matter, David didn’t really address the issue and Mike skirted around it. While David has the right to support his girlfriend, what the show’s viewers’ concern was not just about the badges on his uniform and helmet. If it were just that simple, then the issue would have died down as soon as it was born.

But there’s just more to it than that. How about David’s using of the official V8 Supercars Twitter account to promote Tahan? Or falsely telling his followers to call a number, which turned out to be Tahan’s save lifeline, if they want to receive racing stuff from him? Or Mike’s and Leon Murray’s (voice of Big Brother) chummy correspondence with David, which, either intentionally or not, influenced the viewers’ opinion of the housemates?

The list goes on.

It would have been great if Mike had tackled every single one of the issues that are troubling the viewers. But as expected, he only touched the surface in a futile attempt to clear the integrity of the show and David and Tahan’s names.

As opposed to being enlightened, though, viewers are left wanting for more answers.

Mike had limited time when he asked David, true, so perhaps Big Brother can address the issues in another forum? Fans of the show need and are owed answers.

Read blogger Leesa Little’s take on the issue here, here, and here.

On Wednesday, the ultimate Big Brother Australia winner will be crowned. All evictees, minus intruder Justynn, have also landed in Gold Coast for the reunion, which is believed to be aired on the same episode.