“Big Brother Australia” has a new Head of House after Lawson’s reign has come to an end. Sam took over the role as his admirer Sandra tried to get his attention during the weekend party.


The 30-year-old retail manager has developed a crush on Sam, but it’s unlikely that it would result favourably for her. The Paralympic gold medallist already has a girlfriend outside the house. When Sam was announced as the Head of House, he was also given the privilege of sleeping in the sanctuary with another housemate of his choice. The other housemates all waged it would be Sandra, who was hoping the same.

In the end, Sam took Ryan with him in the sanctuary.

Reminiscent of last season’s wardrobe drama with Mikkayla, Sandra also had a cry about the choice of costumes for the party. With her athletic build, she was aghast that the dresses for the party wouldn’t look good on her. She found a beautiful red dress later, though, which fit her perfectly.

Later on during the discussion of strengths and weaknesses, the housemates remarked how insecure Sandra is about her looks. Dion was quick to disabuse her of that notion, telling her that even if they were talking only about looks and not personality, Sandra is still a stunning woman.

“If I was single, and I have to pick anyone of here, no offence to you, ladies, I would wanna marry you,” Dion, who has a girlfriend outside the house, told Sandra. “You’re marriage material. You’ve got the personality. You’ve got the looks as well.”

But Dion isn’t who Sandra wants. She wants Sam. Unfortunately, she has been getting mixed signals from him. Lawson thought Sam is attracted to Sandra, and this just further confused her.


Sam, as the “captain” of the night, was given the control of the Top Deck (the tree house), wherein he could discuss strategies with two of his chosen housemates. He picked Lawson and his “first lady” Sandra.

Calling Sandra his first lady might give her false hope, but Sam didn’t seem to think there’s anything wrong with it. They are close friends anyway, and teasing each other comes naturally between them.

As for alliances, the trio established that they are a solid group, and they are including Cat in their small faction. They also tried to figure out which members of the housemates belong to certain groups, but they were unclear about Jason, who they think is acting as a good guy and just waiting for the right opportunity to pounce.

When it was time for Sam to choose a housemate to go with him in the sanctuary, Sam noticed how Sandra became upset when he chose Ryan. To make her feel better, he promised to make her feel like a queen after the night.


The youngest person in the house has been given a reality check by her housemates. 20-year-old Skye was told by her former partner Lisa to basically suck it up. According to the 29-year-old exec assistant, Skye wanted her to always compliment and baby her, but that’s not her job.

While the housemates were playing Hot Seat, David, 31, was asked who among the housemates is his least favourite. He named Skye.

“It’s a very, very small differentiation,” David justified, “it’s Skye because of the age gap. It’s Skye because I think she’s a beautiful person, but I can’t stand the over acting.”

Skye wasn’t in the same room during David’s revelation.


Talking to reigning “Big Brother” champion Tim Dormer has seemed to have mellowed down the initially impetuous David. He appeared to have become more sensitive to his housemates’ feelings, and has even complimented Lisa, whom he inadvertently hurt after she overheard his comment about her breasts.

“Lisa, because I think she’s absolutely stunning,” David answered when asked who among the female housemates he likes.

Lisa also wasn’t in the room at that time. She was talking to Skye about Skye’s apparent clinginess.

Eviction night is on Tuesday. One housemate from nominees Katie, Cat, Dion, Travis and Priya is going home.

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