“Big Brother Australia” evictee Sam Bramham thinks his BFF Lawson is an “a------.” The Paralympian and the house’s resident magic man were buddies in the house, but now that Sam has been evicted and has learnt Lawson’s affair with Cat, he thinks his pal would be paying the price of his infidelity once he leaves the house.

Even before Sam was evicted from the house earlier in October, things have already begun to heat up between the 23-year-old Lawson and the 31-year-old divorcee Cat. Unknown to the rest of the housemates, Lawson and Cat became intimate when they spent the night in the secluded sanctuary, although they denied that anything happened there.

Their romance would have been well received by the housemates if not for Lawson’s relationship status. He has a girlfriend outside the house, a fact that everyone knows from the start.

When Sam was evicted and had been informed of the pair’s romance, he said in his post-eviction interview that Lawson handled Cat’s affection for him very poorly.

“I honestly thought – up until now – that Lawson would be smarter than that. I knew that he had feelings for her; not knew but I could sense it. I’d be very embarrassed,” he said.

Read: Ex-Housemate Sam Bramham Thinks Lawson Wasn’t Smart About Cheating on GF with Cat

More than a week later, Sam’s words for his friend aren’t so tame anymore. After he was evicted, Lawson and Cat brought their romance out in the open. They shared a long, passionate kiss in one of the bedrooms, knowing that their housemates could go inside and see them together.

“He literally looks like a complete a------, and that’s the bed that he’s slept in, you know?” the gold medallist told Famous magazine. “He’s going to have to go into damage control.”

He added that Lawson might need to work hard to restore his reputation once he leaves the famous house.

“I like him, but he’s messed up,” Sam said. “He’s going to have to pay the piper when he gets out.”

Cat and Lawson’s flirting seemed to have intensified when they spent a night at the sanctuary. The viewers heard the two kissing under the doona, but, as bad as it already was, that’s apparently not all that happened.

Channel Nine sources revealed to Daily Mail Australia that they also got a bit too close for comfort while they were soaked in the bath together.

“Things got a bit ‘handsy’ – or feety to be more apt – when the bubbly blonde is said to have rubbed the magic man with her feet,” the paper said.

The scene was heavily edited for the viewers; hence, it was not clear if the described incident happened, but when Big Brother showed them a DVD of their night in the sanctuary, the two decided not to show it to their fellow housemates. Afterwards, Lawson cried to Big Brother in the diary room, feeling guilty about cheating on his girlfriend.

When they went public with their romance, Lawson cried again in the diary room for the same reason. And when newly evicted Jason Roses called the couple out on his message from the grave video, Lawson once again felt guilty about choosing Cat over his girlfriend. He cried once more, but this time, in the shower alone.

It was reported that Candice Leeder, Lawson’s girlfriend who has not officially split from him, was entering the house. However, it’s unlikely as the network has already released the name and photos of the four new powerhouse players who will be entering the house, and Candice’s name isn’t one of them.

The new housemates – Lina “The Soul,” Tom “The Heart,” Penny “The Body” and Richard “The Brain” – are expected to shake things up in the house, where the relationships between the housemates have already been established. Their first appearance will be aired on Monday.

Read related:

Lawson’s Girlfriend Reportedly Entering the House

Lawson Chooses Cat Over GF, Kisses Cat in Bed

Evictee Jason Roses on His Family’s Acceptance of His Sexuality, Cat and Lawson’s Illicit Love Affair