“Big Brother Australia” housemate Tully is evicted! After weeks of hoping that the 25-year-old NSW resident would be the one finally to go, anti-Tully viewers have finally something to rejoice about.

On Monday in a landslide eviction, the most controversial housemate in the show’s current season has found out what it’s like to be the one to leave the famous house. Tully had garnered a weak 17 per cent of votes, while Tahan got 34 per cent. The Sugar Sisters (Katie & Lucy) proved to be the most popular in the nomination line-up of three, leading the votes with 49 per cent.

There are tears galore from Tully herself, of course. As Ed and the other housemates have noticed, Tully always cries hard no matter what the situation is, which makes everything about her.

But her tears as she stepped out of the house seemed to be for someone else other than her.

“I love you. I love you. I love you,” Tully kept repeating to Drew, even asking the housemates to look after her “reality TV husband” for her.

Did she forget that she has a real girlfriend outside the house?

Oh right, she doesn’t have one anymore.

Related: Tully’s Girlfriend Tahlia Breaks Up With Her

Tahlia, who was her girlfriend for two years, had dumped the housemate earlier in September after watching an episode in which Drully (Drew and Tully) took their flirtatious relationship to the next level. Not only had they exchanged I Love You’s, they had also made obvious smooching sounds under the doona.

After posting a not-so-cryptic message about being single again, Tahlia had received an outpouring message of support from viewers and celebrities alike.

Tahlia Receives Twitter Support

Tully Answers Questions About Drew And Tahlia

On Friday, Drew and Tully didn’t hide their kisses anymore. They used to steal moments to kiss each other under the doona, behind towels, or in the bathroom where they thought no one could see them. However, during the Late Night Feast, their romance was full on as they openly kissed each other.

“They touched tongues,” Jade observed of the two the next day.

“That is borderline love,” Ed said of the forbidden love affair that is Drully.

True enough, Drew and Tully had spent most of their time in the house being together that some housemates had already complained that they didn’t bother to mingle with others anymore.

But even before they became a couple, Tully had been inadvertently courting negative reactions from BB fans with her pessimistic attitude and her free-flowing tears. She was always very upset whenever Mikkayla got lucky and escaped nomination or eviction. She also complained to Tahan that Jade had been keeping Drew all to herself even after their fake divorce.

As Tim had noted, “it’s like walking on eggshells” when it comes to Tully’s feelings.

Related: Caleb Says Tully Deserves What She’s Getting

As host Sonia Kruger told her, Tully had trended worldwide twice and in Australia five times. She appeared surprise at her popularity, but perhaps it was her plan all along to be controversial in the house so she could trend worldwide.

And it worked!

After all, she’s a social media strategist so she knows a lot about what would be popular.

Love her or hate her, it cannot be denied that she has made the house one interesting place. People are always talking about her, even following her now ex-girlfriend Tahlia on Twitter and Instagram just to see if the latter has any new reaction on Drully’s relationship.

Tully, who once proclaimed to Tim that she’s book-smart, would most probably use all the negative publicity about her to her advantage. So whatever she’s cooking up next, her hungry detractors would definitely line up to taste and critique it.

Sonia has brought up Tully’s relationship with Drew, but she didn’t tell her about Tahlia dumping her. Tully also didn’t even mention Tahlia’s name even once.

The newly evicted housemate played down her romance with Drew, though. She said that while their friendship looked a lot more when viewed from the outside, it was just a normal friendship.

Her supporters were obviously not happy with Tully being evicted. They pointed out that now that she’s gone, the house wouldn’t be as fun to watch as before.

Not quite.

There’s still troublemaker Tim, the warring twosome Tahan and Mikkayla, pashing non-partners Jade and Ed, the very bubbly duo Sugar Sisters, and the unintentionally funny Ben.

The real question is how Drew will cope now that his “house wife” has unwittingly left him.

Would he go back to the old mischievous but lovable Drew who mingles with everyone? Or would he sulk for a long time until his eviction?

His faux ex-wife Jade is still there to comfort him, though. And comfort him she did. Right after the door has shut with Tully on the other side, Jade quickly consoled her former best friend.

Ben seemed to be the most heartbroken of all the surviving housemates. Drew was devastated, sure, but he was still shocked. Ben seemed to take Tully’s eviction the hardest or perhaps he just had the most visible reaction.

As for the housemates left in the house, there will be no more nominations come Tuesday night. They will all be up for eviction next week.

Also, two “bearded intruders” will shake things up in the house. One of them even promised to take down Tim!

Watch the full episode here:

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